A New Feminine?

Friday 10 – Saturday 25 April

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Image: Rafaela Pandolfini, Chux. 2014. Image design by Mitch Brown. ©2015

Curated by Rafaela Pandofini

Centre for Style, Clare Davies, Dominic Kirkwood, Hana Shimada, Jemima Wyman, Christian Thompson and Rebecca Scibilia


A New Feminine? Begs the question. What does a new feminine look like?

The term is used in the sense that is creates new meanings and possibilities beyond the metaphysical and gendered notion of feminine. It quite literally attempts to make “sense” in so far as it provides a sense to concept, content to form, reality to dreams.

The concept takes its leave from the artist Antony Hegarty and her proposition of the Future Feminine;

“I’m someone who’s looking for a reason to hope, and for me hope looks like feminine systems of governance being instated in, like, the major religious institutions and throughout corporate and civil life. And it might sound far-fetched, but if you look at your own beliefs, just imagine how quickly you accepted the idea that the ocean is rising and the ecology of our world is collapsing. We can actually imagine that more readily than we can imagine a switch from patriarchal to matriarchal systems of governance a subtle shift in the way our society works.” (from the live album Cut the world)

The artists participating in the show include Centre for Style, Christian Thompson, Clare Davies, Dominic Kirkwood, Jemima Wyman, Hana Shimada and Rebecca Scibilia.

A New Feminine? Is an open question, it is responded in various tones and timbres: irritation, intrigue, worn carpet, not at all, photographs, video, totems, gems or shits, a new suite of painting on velvet, a trickle, felt pen and so on.

Together the artists have embodied the various and multiform character of a dream made real, and keep alive by a receptivity to difference, without looking to have the last word on the subject.

Read the review by Tracey Clement in Art Guide Australia

Clare Davies, Peaceful Hope Web (detail), 2015. Paper, plastic, wood, paint, 86 x 52 x 18cm (this component). Image courtesy of the artist.

Selection of Works

 Christian Thompson

Christian Thompson 'Hannah's Diary' from the 'Lost Together' Series 2009. Courtesy the Artist and Michael Reid Gallery, Sydney_Berlin and Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne.  copy












Hannah’s Diary from the Lost Together series. 2009. Courtesy the Artist and Michael Reid Gallery, Sydney-Berlin and Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne