Ainsley Wilcock

Grotesquing the Body Trace

Ainsley Wilcock Composite #15 2016 coloured pencil on stonhenge paper 112 x 76.5 cm.. copyAinsley Wilcock, Composite #15, 2016, coloured pencil on Stonehenge paper, 112 x 76.5cm

Friday 1 – Saturday 16 April 2016

Relying on the interaction and co-presence of humour, horror, play and terror, Wilcock fuses the grotesque aesthetic with seemingly incongruous categories of images and forms. Clothing and unstable ‘bodily’ materials provide transient territories to explore ideas of presence and absence.

Upcoming Event

Ainsley Wilcock will be participating in The Artists Are Present on Saturday 16 April with Shalini Jardin and Janette Gay. Talks start at 2.00pm followed by casual conversation and tea with the artists until the closing of the exhibition at 5.00pm.