April Exhibitions

1-16 April 2016

Gallery One and The Cranny
Shalini Jardin
This exhibition explores a fusion of animal/human hybridity and questions fixed binary constructions of Otherness. Various beings and sentient life forms are de/constructed to create new meanings.

Gallery Two
Ainsley Wilcock
Grotesquing The Body Trace
Relying on the interaction and co-presence of humour, horror, play and terror, Wilcock fuses the grotesque aesthetic with seemingly incongruous categories of images and forms. Clothing and unstable ‘bodily’ materials provide transient territories to explore ideas of presence and absence.

Deep Space
Janette Gay
Cornered, a multi-media digital installation will explore the manner in which our increasingly constrained and inward focussed urban environments can confine our world. The installation will play with the restricted gallery space, its corners and with concepts of being cornered and forced into restricted positions.